A few years ago, I spontaneously attended a Lindy Hop crash course in Zurich. The positive energy, the big smiles on people’s faces and the cheerful music gave me so much energy that I always smiled for the next 5 hours.
Surprised by the positive vibes I got that night, I lost my heart to Lindy Hop – at least part of it :). This passion led me to international workshops and festivals, including Big Bang Swing in Thailand, Herräng Dance Camp in Sweden and IsThereHop? in SwitzerlandAfter some time, I also began to pass on the Lindy passion to others by teaching courses in Zurich and Gäddede (Sweden).
Some time ago I also started dancing with the show group Hellzapoppin’ Disaster in Zurich. A group known for their authentic Savoy style shows.
I love the atmosphere on social dance floors where I meet new people, learn new moves, improve my own dance as well as communicate with other dancers, all inspired and accompanied by this cheerful music we call swing. And I love to share that joy and happiness with others.
As a teacher, I love to see the enthusiasm and joy in the faces of students of all levels. Especially when there’s that AHA moment: the moment when people worked a move or technique and suddenly everything fits together and works as if by magic.